What does Ontario Motor Sales mean to you?
At the risk of sounding cheesy, it's a family. It's great to work at a job where you know the people you work with care about you, are willing to help, and encourage you to be better. No matter what your position. This is often hard to find in workplaces.
What has been your favourite part about working here?
I hate to be shallow and I love my co-workers, but my favourite part is driving the brand new Corvettes! It has to be hands down the best part of the job. After all, how many people get to drive Corvettes every day for a living?
What is one thing you try to bring to your interactions with customers?
I'm having a great time working here at OMS. I love my job. I love driving the cars. I want the customers to have the same fun that I am having. I try to make customers smile, whether that’s telling them a joke or even letting them have a ride in a Vette or Cadillac. OMS is a fun place; we take our work seriously but we leave room for a little fun as well.
How would you describe the working environment here? Why?
Attitude reflects leadership. My Dad often told me this and OMS is really a shining example of this quote. The owner, Tony, even takes time to pitch in. Whether that’s taking the time to speak with customers or helping with a special event. Positivity trickles all the way down to the guy taking care of the lot, which would be me!
What is your most interesting—fun, funny, or otherwise—OMS story?
I'm not sure if this applies, however I spoke with a gentleman one day who was battling cancer. He was looking to buy a Cadillac for the last couple years he had to drive. It made me realize that OMS isn't just a dealership that sells cars, we help people create special moments in their life. Vehicles are such a significant part of our daily lives, they go on adventures with us, they are used to celebrate a special birthday/anniversary, and like this gentleman I met, they make a life-long dream come true. At OMS I feel we take this very seriously and really enjoy seeing those special moments. I'm happy to be a part of the experience, even if it’s just in a small way.